Curriculum vitae


1949 Født i Kongens Lyngby.

1969 Optaget på Kunstakademiet i København.

1976 Læreruddannet fra KDAS aftenseminarium. Medarbejder i “TVÆRS”, ungdomsprogram på P1.

1979 – 83 Underviser i billedkunst og kunsthåndværk på et kreativt kursuscenter i Montpellier i Sydfrankrig.

1980 Assistent hos malerinden Marie Fontanel og grafikeren Christine Rossi.

1985 Bachelor i ” Histoire de l`Arts y Arts Plastiques” på universitetet “Paul Valery” i Montpellier.

1987 “Diplome d`etat d´animatrice d´arts plastique” (kunsthistorie og billedkunst) – en overbygning inden for kunst, pædagogik og didaktik samme sted.

1989 – 2001 Bosat i Spanien og Venezuela. Arbejde med design og bæredygtigt byggeri.

2001- Billedkunstlærer og kursusholder i Danmark

Løbende udstillinger i ind- og udland.



1949 Born in Copenhagen, Kgs. Lyngby

1969 Admitted at the Royal Danish Art Academy in Copenhagen

1973-75 Employed by the national Danish radio for the popular
program “TVÆRS”, talking to troubled teenagers.

1976 Degree from the teacher-training college (KDAS) Denmark.

1979-83 Teaching painting and arts and crafts at the centre
for creative courses “APEMA” in Montpellier in France.

1980-86 Assisting the french painter Marie Fontanel and the
graphics artist Christine Rossi.
Teaching art at the community centre “Aiguelongue”
in Montpellier.

1985 Bachelor in history of art at the university “Paul
Valery” in Montpellier.

1987 State diploma “DEFA”, superimposed courses within
art, psychology and didactics.

1989-2001 Living in Spain and Venezuela. Working with design and
sustainable construction in the Andes mountains.

2001- Living in Denmark. Painting and teaching art and
history in Dragør.

Expositions in Denmark and abroad.